PISCES Bloodstone-Jade-Amethyst-Labradorite


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February 19- March 20


Natural Bloodstone Polished Tumblestone/Crystal

Bloodstone… Purification, Courage, Vitality.
Bloodstone assists us in facing the hard realities and challenges of Earthy life with courage and nobility. It does this by strengthening the root chakra, purifying the aura and grounding one fully in the physical body. By bringing the subtle body into balance, it bolsters our inner vitality and gives us the heart to make necessary sacrifices, look at painful truths, or endure physical trails.



Natural Jade polished Tumblestone/Crystal

Jade…Abundance  Wellbeing.
Green Jade carries the energy of the Earth and nature, providing a wholesome nurturing energy that uplifts and soothes the heart. It draws the abundance of nature into your life, helping you create physical prosperity and wellbeing.



Natural Amethyst polished tumble stone crystal

Protection, Cleansing, Intuition

Amethyst is a powerhouse stone. It vibrates at a high frequency, creating a bubble of spiritual protection against negative energy. It awakens higher consciousness, assists in wise decision making free of emotional confusion, and facilitates meditates and intuition.



Natural Labradorite Crystal/Polished Tumblestone

Labradorite… Psychic Abilities, Journeying
Labradorite awakens psychic abilities such as telepathy and prophecy. It facilitates self-mastery and awareness of multiple layers of reality at the same time, thus this is a good stone for shamanic work.


Comes with organza bag and meaning card.

Size, shape and colour may vary due to the natural cut of the stone.



Bloodstone, Amethyst, Jade, Labradorite

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