MAY Emerald – Agate- Carnelian


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Natural Emerald Polished Tumble Stone

Love, Compassion, Abundance
Emerald is a pure activator of the heart chakra. It helps you stay centered in your hearts wisdom, and make choices from love and compassion. It opens your heart to receiving the flow of universal abundance available to us all, and in this way is an abundance stone. Like Chrysoprase, it can help heal heartbreak and nourish your emotional self.


Natural Black Agate Crystal/ Polished Tumblestone

Agate…Grounding, Nourishment, stability.
Agate are Earth Stones, overall Agates are gentle, nourishing and strengthening, with a lower intensity than many other gemstones. Individual types of Agate have their own personal healing properties.


Natural Carnelian Crystal/Polished Tumblestone

Carnelian.. Vitality, Confidence, Sexuality
Carnelian is about action, by activating the first 3 chakras, Carnelian provides a powerful boost to your willpower, with the physical energy and drive to back it up. If your hearts wants something, can give you the confidence and power to go for it.



Comes with organza Bag and Meaning Card

The colour, size and shape may vary due to natural cut of the stone.


Emerald, Agate, Carnelian

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